Five GuysFive Guys Five Guys

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

Five Guys Burgers and Fries is a fast casual restaurant that specializes in a double patty burger, kosher hot dogs, and fresh-cut French fries.  There are no freezers in Five Guys locations, just coolers. Nothing is ever frozen, only fresh and fast. Potatoes are cut and fried on site..  The original Five Guys started in Arlington, Virginia in 1986, they started expanding beyond the DC metro area in 2002, and they now have restaurants across the country.

Domain Architecture has been the designer for stores opening in the Twin Cities area. Stores are already open and waiting for you in Edina, Maple Grove , Dinky Town, Plymouth, Eden Praire, and Oakdale. Other store designs are underway.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries restaurants are designed to be as efficient as possible to professional and prompt service. The interior design of the guest seating area is clean and comfortable and is organized to manage crowds when the restaurant is relaxed or during peak hours.